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John Donne

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My Books

These are my current books in print, just in case you have a family member studying English Literature.
  • John Donne: The Poems (Analysing Texts)
    by Joe Nutt
    This is a review from an Amazon customer:
    I am studying English at University and currently writing an essay on John Donne's Songs and Sonnets. After reading an abundance of books which have been either too complicated or too simple, Joe Nutt's book is 'just right' - a great find giving me just what I need. Recommended to any stuggling student who needs a mature, in depth analysis of Donne's poetry. Well worth buying.
  • An Introduction to Shakespeare's Late Plays
    by Joe Nutt
    Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale and The Tempest are all covered. This is anAmazon reviewer's kind comment:
    If you appreciate Shakespeare, drama, or questions of human struggle, the little volume is to be enjoyed and pleasurably digested. One final easy shot is due the publisher: yes, you have produced a fine work in an appropriately high-quality paperback edition; your list price, however, will assure poor sales in both the general and student populations. What a shame. Fortunately, this online service offers used sales to the reader's rescue. I'd strongly encourage intermediate-level Shakespeare students to score a copy.
  • A Guidebook to Paradise Lost
    by Mr Joe Nutt

    My latest book, a guidebook for students studying John Milton's epic poem, Paradise Lost, is available online from Amazon...and pretty much everyone else!

    Review from Milton Quarterly, Vol 6, Issue 4, December 2012.

    For a self-proclaimed “guidebook” Nutt’s volume eschews the gimmicks that lend so many introductory works an air of accessibility at the cost of intellectual depth: he is assuredly not writing Paradise Lost for Dummies. There are no bullet points, cartoons, or inset boxes featuring trivia about the Barebones Parliament or Arminian soteriology. Instead we have a substantial and tightly-packed volume, though Nutt’s prose style is clear and accessible.

    Nutt excels at looking at the poem over his audience’s shoulder, so to speak. He recognizes that the big philosophical, political, and theological questions Milton explores are inseparable from the nuances of language, metaphor, and even syntax; readers are made to see that comprehending the latter will give a much better chance of comprehending the former.